Announcement: New partnership with Offset for license management.

Winter in Winnipeg is dark and cold – a season that is characterized by a natural tendency to quietly retreat.  The seasonal cycle of change influences the way we live our day-to-day lives, and each season tends to strike a balance with its counterpart: long summer days contrast with long winter nights, and the new life of spring contrasts with the necessary death of fall.  So too are our lives influenced by our environment: summer encouraging extroverted energy and adventures, and winter facilitating space for introverted retreat.  In my creative work, I find this cycle so necessary.  Summer and the shoulder seasons are times for fieldwork, while winter is a time for processing and integrating the collected raw materials into bodies of cohesiveness.

I am excited to announce that part of this past winter’s work was building a new partnership with a premium stock photo agency named Offset.  Offset is a hub of great people that provide quality images from hand-picked photographers at affordable prices, and I am honoured to join the team amidst other world-class professionals.  Over the winter I have slowly been going back and forth with their editors to build up my collection with them, and will continue to do so over the coming years.

It has been interesting to revisit photos from assignments many years ago.  My style, both in composition and processing, has changed so much as I have found my distinctive photographic style.  There is a mine of quality images on my hard drive that I’ve been tapping into, and I plan to start posting “throwback” photo essays from years past here on the photoblog as I rework my way through them.  Keep an eye out by subscribing to my newsletter if you are interested – there are a lot of visual stories in the queue that I’m looking forward to sharing with you.

Check out my OFFSET Artist Page to peruse my growing, curated collection of available imagery for commercial and editorial use.  If you are interested in licensing a specific image that isn’t listed, please inquire by getting in touch and including a link to the image(s) of interest.

One more thing: I was able to arrange a special deal for my followers.  If you create an OFFSET account through this registration link you will get $50 off your first purchase – either of mine or any other content through the agency.  The rates are standardized at $250 USD for medium resolution images (1200 pixels wide on the long side) and $500 USD for high resolution images – with very generous licensing terms (royalty free with no time limitations).

Offset Artist Profile

Check out my artist profile and growing image library with Offset here.