Category Archives: Links

Paying it forward.

White snow has blanketed my home; its gentle arrival triggering a quietude in me alongside the seasonal rhythms. Summer’s bustle is now in the past and the colourful holidays of winter are still on the horizon, so this peaceful moment betwixt is a place from which I can draw a deep inhale. But, as my filling inbox reminds me, Black Friday looms.

I have mixed feelings about consumerism around the holidays. On the one hand, for creators selling their wares this season is…

The power of photography.

A while back, the good folks over at local multimedia company Build Films asked me to write a piece for them about the power of photography.  This is the published article, crossposted here to my own website for your own reading:

Here at base camp, the waterfalls are running thinner than I’ve ever seen them; the glaciers above that feed them are returning to their frozen state.  The unseasonably warm sun of a few days previous has relinquished control to winter’s…

Presenting…Pecha Kucha!

On February 23rd, 2017, I will be speaking at Pecha Kucha Winnipeg – an event organized by the Manitoba chapter of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada.  Amidst simply trying to conquer my stage fright, I will be centering my talk around the subject of “Contemplating Contemplation”; weaving in stories and insights garnered from the several months of traveling around remote parts of western Canada by bicycle on my Pedal Powered to the West bike tour.

If you’re…

Interview on making photographs in the cold.

A few weeks ago, I was approached by Feature Shoot to do an interview.  The topic of interest: making images in frigid temperatures – one of the more difficult environments to shoot in, and something I have a lifetime of experience with.

Appropriately, now that the temperature has plummeted, the article has been published!  Check out the stories and photographic tips I have shared here.…

The holidays are approaching – last call for greeting cards!

A friendly reminder to everyone that the calendar has flipped over to December!

Time is flying and the holidays are fast approaching.  To be completely honest, it snuck up on me this year.  We are just starting to see the first dusting of snow here in Winnipeg, and that is unseasonably late (to put it lightly).  Judging by the amount of print orders that have been coming through my inbox in the last few days, I think you all are more on top of it than me though.

Either way,…