Tag Archives: Winter

Little house on the lake.

Every winter a blanket of snow settles on Manitoba. Any lingering snowbirds swiftly point themselves southwards and most warm blooded creatures delve into the deepest burrows they can muster. A rare few venture out to establish themselves on the bleak landscape, in pursuit of the cold blood that lurks beneath their feet. Walking on water, they hunt with an auger and a fishing rod.

Each hunter carefully chooses a spot on the frozen expanse that is Lake Winnipeg and,…

Paying it forward.

White snow has blanketed my home; its gentle arrival triggering a quietude in me alongside the seasonal rhythms. Summer’s bustle is now in the past and the colourful holidays of winter are still on the horizon, so this peaceful moment betwixt is a place from which I can draw a deep inhale. But, as my filling inbox reminds me, Black Friday looms.

I have mixed feelings about consumerism around the holidays. On the one hand, for creators selling their wares this season is…


A blizzard doesn’t arrive with the surprise that it used to. Watching the radar, murmurs of what may be coming are uttered from the lips of weather reporters and citizens alike. Parking bans are set on city streets, pantries are stocked, and commuters set their alarm clocks a little earlier than usual in hope that they will be able to get to work at all.

When the rumoured weather does arrive, there are two choices: seek shelter, or step out into the storm. Personally, I …

Mountain moments.

It is tempting in life to want to see it all; to cover as much ground as possible and leave footprints in a long list of places.  This breadth of experience does have its merits, but it also has its sacrifices: namely, depth within each experience.  Personally, I increasingly value the depth side of experience and choose adventures that are more in the slow travel category these days rather than trying to see the entire map.  There really is a big difference between…

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays to you and yours!

Wherever you find yourself today, I wish you warmth, peace, and safety.  We are snowed in at home right now and our original plans for the day have been scrapped in the name of safety, but I am grateful to be able to say that these three things are still checked off today: we are warm, we are peaceful, and we are safe.  My wish is the same for you, your loved ones, and every single person out there.…

Interview on making photographs in the cold.

A few weeks ago, I was approached by Feature Shoot to do an interview.  The topic of interest: making images in frigid temperatures – one of the more difficult environments to shoot in, and something I have a lifetime of experience with.

Appropriately, now that the temperature has plummeted, the article has been published!  Check out the stories and photographic tips I have shared here.…