Tag Archives: Fisherman

Little house on the lake.

Every winter a blanket of snow settles on Manitoba. Any lingering snowbirds swiftly point themselves southwards and most warm blooded creatures delve into the deepest burrows they can muster. A rare few venture out to establish themselves on the bleak landscape, in pursuit of the cold blood that lurks beneath their feet. Walking on water, they hunt with an auger and a fishing rod.

Each hunter carefully chooses a spot on the frozen expanse that is Lake Winnipeg and,…

In Guatemala – Part three: Lake Atitlán.

(continued from Part two: The coffee farmer on the volcano.)

A loud thud resonates through my bones as my head slams into the metal ceiling once again as the driver forgets to tap his brakes in lieu of an oncoming speed bump. I can attest to the strength of this inconspicuous van, in that my head hasn’t yet left even a dent in the roof despite repeated attempts. There are speed limit signs here in Guatemala, but in a country where low literacy rates result in buses needing …

Life behind bars – Part 3: Friendly territory around the Salish Sea.

(continued from Part 2: Four corners of the Haida Gwaii by bicycle)

Ferries provide access all the way down British Columbia’s otherwise inaccessible coast.  From the Haida Gwaii, this was the peaceful expressway to access southern British Columbia without making a huge diversion inland.  Port Hardy, at the northern tip of Vancouver Island, was the port of arrival for the push to southern Vancouver Island and ultimately Vancouver, and it was also where my …